For example, if a users name is used to ask a question, used when responding to a question, identified at the beginning for introductions, suggest the speaker's name. e.g. 1 Speaker 1 "Hey Steve, how much was that purchase? Speaker 2 > "Great question Susan, it was $3,000" (Action: Speaker 1 -> 'Susan') (Action: Speaker 2 -> 'Steve') Susan: "Yep, that sounds right to me. e.g. 2 Speaker 3 "Hi Team, Frank from ABC Corp here." (Action: Speaker 3 -> 'Frank') Speaker 4 "Thanks Frank!" E.g. 3: Speaker 4 "Lets go around the room and introduce ourselves, I'm Sally from Client Corp, We already head from Frank. Jason, woudl you like to start?" (Action: Speaker 4 -> 'Sally') Speaker 6 "Yep, Thanks Sally, I'm Jason from client services" (Action: Speaker 6 -> 'Jason')